Unfolds in a very interesting way
March 16, 2019 7:48 PM   Subscribe

Vladimir Ivkovic and Lena Willikens play amazing music separately, but together they challenge each other. “We share a curiosity. It makes it vivid, like a good conversation,” she says.

They have been DJing together for over a decade, both with their own distinctive angles, but the 4 hour (!) Dekmantel set from 2018 allowed the world to witness their dancefloor chemistry.
Willikens has been involved with music for much of her life, and has produced as well as DJing. Both of them are long time resident DJ's at Dusseldorf's Salon Des Amateurs, focusing on atmosphere and inventiveness.

Ivkovic is partly responsible for chug, groovy slow insistent techno, which owes a lot to playing trance records from the 90's at the wrong speed, which is one of his signature techniques.

Previous Willikens on Metafilter.

NB. I love the comments on the Soundcloud page for the 4 our Dekmantel mix.
posted by asok (2 comments total) 17 users marked this as a favorite
love when mefi and my other fav music site (RA) collide.

there's a great writeup on vladimir's DJing style/techniques here... it also has videos of his "chugging" style of DJing.
posted by raihan_ at 12:02 AM on March 17, 2019 [2 favorites]

Just chiming in to say that I decided to listen to the 4-hour Dekmantel set! I'm almost finished (4:00:49 out of 4:06:18). I hardly ever listen to DJ mixes so can't offer much intelligent commentary, but I found this to be very calming -- good music to listen to while working.
posted by Dixon Ticonderoga at 12:20 PM on March 17, 2019

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